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HomeInsulinWhat Type Of Macromolecule Is Insulin

What Type Of Macromolecule Is Insulin

Nucleotides Polymerize To Yield Nucleic Acids

Macromolecule Review
  • Phosphate.
  • Monosaccharide.
  • Ribose
  • Deoxyribose, which lacks a 2′ -OH The presence or absence of the 2′ -OH has structural significance that will be discussed later.
  • A base.
  • There are four dominant bases here are three of them:

  • adenine
  • The fourth base is

    • uracil or
    • thymine

    Be aware that uracil and thymine are very similar they differ only by a methyl group.

    You need to know which are purines and which are pyrimidines, and whether it is the purines or the pyrimidines that have one ring. The reasons for knowing these points relate to the way purines and pyrimidines interact in nucleic acids, which we’ll cover shortly.

    Anomeric Forms Of Glucose

    Fischers brilliant elucidation of the configuration of glucose did not remove all uncertainty concerning its structure. Two different crystalline forms of glucose were reported in 1895. Each of these gave all the characteristic reactions of glucose, and when dissolved in water equilibrated to the same mixture. This equilibration takes place over a period of many minutes, and the change in optical activity that occurs is called mutarotation. These facts are summarized in the diagram below.

    When glucose was converted to its pentamethyl ether , two different isomers were isolated, and neither exhibited the expected aldehyde reactions. Acid-catalyzed hydrolysis of the pentamethyl ether derivatives, however, gave a tetramethyl derivative that was oxidized by Tollens reagent and reduced by sodium borohydride, as expected for an aldehyde. These reactions will be displayed above by clicking on the diagram.

    Second, a pentamethyl ether derivative of the pyranose structure converts the hemiacetal function to an acetal. Acetals are stable to base, so this product should not react with Tollens reagent or be reduced by sodium borohydride. Acid hydrolysis of acetals regenerates the carbonyl and alcohol components, and in the case of the glucose derivative this will be a tetramethyl ether of the pyranose hemiacetal. This compound will, of course, undergo typical aldehyde reactions. By clicking on the diagram a second time this relationship will be displayed above.

    The Zinc Finger Motif

    Zn complexed to His and/or Cys maintains the structure of the domain.

    Unlike a -S-S- bridge, the Zn complex will not be broken by reducing conditions within the cell.
    Unlike Cu or Fe, Zn does not participate in oxidation-reduction reactions that could generate free radicals which might damage nucleic acids.

    Other amino acyl residues in the loop are involved inbinding to specific nucleotides of the nucleic acid orhelping to maintain the folded structure of the domain.

    Zinc fingers occur in proteins occur in tandem arrays.They are joined to nearby zinc fingers by short linking regions of peptide.They are spaced to fit into the major groove of DNA, with the bases of the alpha-helices down in the grooves, and the beta-loops touching the double helix.

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    In Vivo Effect Of 4ss

    The in vivo effect was determined essentially as described before. The Wistar rats were allocated into five groups, six rats in each group being administrated HI or insulin analog, and five in the group being administrated vehicle. The animals were dosed with an intravenous injection in a tail vein of either vehicle or HI or the 4SS-insulin analog . Blood samples for the determination of whole blood glucose concentration were collected by puncture of the capillary vessels in the tail tip to time 15 min and 0 min before dosing, and to time 3, 7, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, and 240 min after dosing. The blood glucose concentrations were measured by the immobilized glucose oxidase method using a Biosen autoanalyzer .

    Thioflavin T Fibrillation Assay

    Free art print of Chemical structure of a human insulin ...

    The Thioflavin T assay was performed as previously described. Briefly, the samples were prepared freshly. The experiment was performed at 37°C and the plate with the samples was incubated for 10 min before the first measurement and then measured every 20 min for up to 45 h. Between each measurement, the plate was continuously shaken and heated. Each shown time point is the mean of the four replicas with standard deviation error bars. The peptide concentration in each of the tested formulations was measured by RP-HPLC both before application and after completion of the ThT fibrillation.

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    What Type Of Macromolecule Is An Enzyme

    Enzymes are proteins, which are macromolecules that perform many varied functions within the human body. The role of enzymes is to speed up the rates of reactions occurring in the body or to initiate reactions that normally would not take place.

    Enzymes need a minimal amount of energy called activation energy to start working. These special proteins have a specific place for reactants, also called substrates, to bind called an active site. The active site is specific to the enzyme, similar to how a key fits into a lock. With rare exceptions, only a specific enzyme can catalyze a certain reaction.

    Enzymes are particular about the conditions in which they work. The wrong pH or high temperatures can warp enzymes to the point where they no longer function. This is called denaturing the enzyme.

    Clinical Development Of Oral Peptide Formulations

    There are important learnings from the important oral peptide delivery research conducted by Novo Nordisk. Their approach to creating oral semaglutide and oral insulin formulations was to consider two aspects in parallel. The first was to use medicinal chemistry to create long-acting potent stable peptides using modified and acylated amino acids to form moieties that could associate with human serum albumin in the case of semaglutide and to protect against luminal peptidases in the case of the modified insulin, IO338 . These modifications were accompanied by studies showing that there was no reduction in receptor binding and efficacy for either peptide. The second parallel approach was to formulate the peptides with well-established permeation enhancers in solid dose formulations. The oral semaglutide formulation with SNAC made it to market, but the insulin one with C10 did not. The outcome from the discontinued oral insulin programme suggests that a commercially viable oral insulin formulation might still be possible if the oral bioavailability of a modified basal insulin could perhaps be increased to 10% in humans, as this would reduce the cost.

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    Carbohydrates And Blood Sugar

    When people eat a food containing carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks down the digestible ones into sugar, which enters the blood.

    • As blood sugar levels rise, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that prompts cells to absorb blood sugar for energy or storage.
    • As cells absorb blood sugar, levels in the bloodstream begin to fall.
    • When this happens, the pancreas start making glucagon, a hormone that signals the liver to start releasing stored sugar.
    • This interplay of insulin and glucagon ensure that cells throughout the body, and especially in the brain, have a steady supply of blood sugar.

    Carbohydrate metabolism is important in the development of type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body cant make enough insulin or cant properly use the insulin it makes.

    • Type 2 diabetes usually develops gradually over a number of years, beginning when muscle and other cells stop responding to insulin. This condition, known as insulin resistance, causes blood sugar and insulin levels to stay high long after eating. Over time, the heavy demands made on the insulin-making cells wears them out, and insulin production eventually stops.

    Which Type Of Macromolecule Is Glucose & What Is Its Function

    Insulin 1: What does insulin do, and why do we need it?

    The monosaccharides bond together to form polysaccharides, which are the polymers of carbohydrates. The most common monosaccharide is glucose, which is one of the most valuable sugars for all animals and plants. The function of carbohydrates is to act as an energy source for storage and structure for all living things.

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    First Promises Of Future Market Launches

    This unsuccessful experiment delayed Big Pharmas investment in the development of an oral formulation for insulin, leaving the field open to other biotechnology companies. For example Biocon a major Indian biotechnology company has continued its development of an oral formulation for insulin and could enter the Indian market in the medium term, granting positive results for its next pivotal trial in type 2 diabetes. Similarly, Oramed an Israeli pharmaceutical company specialized in the development of oral formulations has obtained FDA approval to initiate a Phase 3 trial for its oral formulated insulin for type 2 diabetes in the US. Nevertheless, the issue with price/efficiency ratios remains and fierce competitions in the insulin market require very specific positioning strategies. For example, Biocon could plan to register the use of its oral insulin as a supplement to injectable insulin, while Oramed could save its oral low dosage insulin for patients with less severe diabetes not requiring injectable insulin, in order to delay the progression of the disease. Even if oral formulated insulin seems likely to become a reality within the coming years, it is not a revolution that will sweep away insulin injections yet.

    Skeptiscism Over Whether Oral Insulin Is Achievable

    Grant applications proposing insulin even as a model peptide to test an oral delivery technology inevitably attract the wrath of some reviewers. Many are sceptical of the capacity of an oral insulin programme to be achieved because there have been over 40 years of research that has over-promised and under-delivered. Also, the majority of oral insulin papers using rodents provide no pharmacokinetic data and many authors tend to exaggerate their technologys impact if blood glucose is reduced in the streptozocin diabetic rat model. Very few examples from technologies assessed in rodent studies have translated to formulations for large animal testing. The scepticism is compounded by the lack of reasons offered for failure across oral insulin clinical trials, of which only about thirty have been published on PubMed. It seems that there is little middle ground when it comes to discussing the rationale for oral delivery of insulin. An objective view is that there should be clear benefits of convenience and early adoption for oral insulin formulations by patients with diabetes, but there are hurdles to translation. These include low and variable efficacy of current formulations in Development, a dearth of studies in large animal models, potential toxicology of insulin in the GI tract, as well as its inherent low therapeutic index. Table 1 is a selection of ten key oral insulin delivery papers from the literature that cover some of these issues.

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    Macromolecular Interactions Involving Proteins

  • A limited number of subunits is involved.
  • Oligo = several mer = body, or subunit.
  • 2 and 4 are most common, but other aggregates occur, such as trimers, pentamers, etc.
  • The subunits may be identical or they may be different.
  • Subunit interaction is entirely noncovalent between complementary regions on the subunit surface.
  • Hydrophobic regions can interact.
  • Hydrogen bonding may occur.
  • Electrostatic attraction may be involved.

    If covalent links exist then the structure is not considered quaternary. In proteins with quaternary structure the deaggregated subunits alone are generally biologically inactive.

    Here are some examples of quaternary structure.

  • Hemoglobin is composed of four subunits of two types, alpha and beta. It is represented as alpha2beta2.
  • Quaternary structure in proteins is the most intricate degree of organization considered to be a single molecule. Higher levels of organization are multimolecular complexes.

    Is Glucose A Monosaccharide


    Glucose is classified as a monosaccharide because it cannot be broken down further by hydrolysis. It is further classified as a hexose because of its six-carbon skeleton and as an aldose, because of the presence of an aldehyde group on carbon 1. This ring structure explains many of the reactions of glucose.

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    Plasmids Construction And Expression

    Material, vectors, strains, and construction were as previously described., , Shortly, the mutation to cysteine residues were introduced in selected positions in the insulin coding sequence by overlapping PCRs. The insulin precursors were expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as proinsulin-like single-chains consisting of a spacer GluGluAlaGluAlaGluAlaProLys followed by the B-chain , a mini C-peptide Ala Ala Lys and the A-chain . The expression yields of the insulin precursors were determined by reversed-phase HPLC based on peak area using HI as external standard. A gradient going from 17% acetonitrile to 27% within the first 20 min and from 27% to 37% acetonitrile within the next 5 min was used. The mass was determined by LC/MS on a Dionex Ultimate 3000 liquid chromatography system coupled to a mass spectrometer, Ultra Performance High Capacity Ion Trap MS with electrospray ionization.

    Cyclic Forms Of Monosaccharides

    As noted above, the preferred structural form of many monosaccharides may be that of a cyclic hemiacetal. Five and six-membered rings are favored over other ring sizes because of their low angle and eclipsing strain. Cyclic structures of this kind are termed furanose or pyranose , reflecting the ring size relationship to the common heterocyclic compounds furan and pyran shown on the right. Ribose, an important aldopentose, commonly adopts a furanose structure, as shown in the following illustration. By convention for the D-family, the five-membered furanose ring is drawn in an edgewise projection with the ring oxygen positioned away from the viewer. The anomeric carbon atom is placed on the right. The upper bond to this carbon is defined as beta, the lower bond then is alpha.Click on the following diagram to see a model of -D-ribofuranose.

    Models of these glucose, galactose, mannose and allose pyranose structures may be viewed by .A practice page for examining the configurations of aldohexoses may be viewed by .

    The ring size of these cyclic monosaccharides was determined by oxidation and chain cleavage of their tetra methyl ether derivatives. To see how this was done for glucose .

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    Nucleotides Polymerize By Eliminating The Elements Of Water

    A 3′-> 5′ phosphodiester bond is thereby formed.The product has ends with different properties.

    • An end with a free 5′ group this is called the 5′ end.
    • An end with a free 3′ group this is called the 3′ end.

    Let’s look at the conventions for writing sequences of nucleotides in nucleic acids.Bases are abbreviated by their initials: A, C, G and U or T.U is normally found only in RNA, and T is normally found only in DNA.So the presence of U vs. T distinguishes between RNA and DNA in a written sequence.

    Sequences are written with the 5′ end to the left and the 3′ end to the right unless specifically designated otherwise.

    Phosphate groups are usually not shown unless the writer wants to draw attention to them. The following representations are all equivalent.

      uracil  adenine  cytosine  guanine    |        |        |        | P-ribose-P-ribose-P-ribose-P-ribose-OH 5'    3' 5'    3' 5'    3' 5'    3'pUpApCpGUACG3' GCAU 5' 

    Branches are possible in RNA but not in DNA.RNA has a 2′ -OH, at which branching could occur, while DNA does not.Branching is very unusual it is known to occur only during RNA modification , but not in any finished RNA species.

    The Next Steps For Oral Administration

    Macromolecules Review

    While these initial development successes will lead to the upcoming launch of several products, their technical characteristics remain rather disappointing. As a result, laboratories are still looking for an effective technology to transform their portfolio of injectable macromolecules. As Big Pharma continue their quest, they invest in breakthrough technologies, which are captured more and more upstreamsometimes even before a proof of concept in humansin order to ensure exclusivity for their therapeutic areas. Several have thus opted for a bioengineering solution initially developed by MIT: a technological pill to be swallowed, capable of injecting the active ingredient into the blood through the intestinal wall using miniature biodegradable needles. First Novartis in 2015, followed by AstraZeneca in 2016 and Shire in 2017, started developments and tests to orally deliver products from their portfolios of injectables, sometimes securing exclusivity in their preferred therapeutic areas. Other pharmaceuticals laboratories have instead bet on the biotechnological path. For example, Johnson& Johnson incubates a start-up developing a technology based on bacterial proteins infecting the intestine.

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    Tertiary Structure In Proteins

    Hydrophobic R-groups, as in leucine and phenylalanine, normally orient inwardly, away from water or polar solutes.

    Polar or ionized R-groups, as in glutamine or arginine, orient outwardly to contact the aqueous environment.

    Some amino acids, such as glycine, can be accommodated by aqueous or nonaqueous environments.

    The rules of solubility and the tendency for secondary structure formation determine how the chain spontaneously folds into its final structure.

    Forces stabilizing protein tertiary structure.
    Hydrophobic interactions — the tendency of nonpolar groups to cluster together to exclude water.
    Hydrogen bonding, as part of any secondary structure, as well as other hydrogen bonds.
    Ionic interactions — attraction between unlike electric charges of ionized R-groups.
    Disulfide bridges between cysteinyl residues.The R-group of cysteine is -CH2-SH.-SH groups can oxidize spontaneously to form disulfides .

    R-CH2-SH + R’-CH2-SH + O2 = R-CH2-S-S-CH2-R’ + H2O2

    The disulfide bridge is a covalent bond.It strongly links regions of the polypeptide chain that could be distant in the primary sequence.It forms after tertiary folding has occurred, so it stabilizes, but does not determine tertiary structure.

    Globular proteins are typically organized into one or more compact patterns called domains.


    Triose phosphate isomerase.
    Domain 1 of pyruvate kinase.

    Lactate dehydrogenase domain 1
    Phosphoglycerate kinase domain 2

    Four Classes Of Biological Macromolecules

    There are four major classes of biological macromolecules:

  • carbohydrates
  • proteins
  • nucleic acids
  • Each of these types of macromolecules performs a wide array of important functions within the cell a cell cannot perform its role within the body without many different types of these crucial molecules. In combination, these biological macromolecules make up the majority of a cells dry mass. All the molecules both inside and outside of cells are situated in a water-based environment, and all the reactions of biological systems are occurring in that same environment.

    Interactive: Monomers and Polymers

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