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What Kind Of Insulin Is Novolog

What Is In Novolog Insulin

Novolog Treats Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes – Overview

insulin aspart

What type of insulin is novolog?

Humalog is the brand-name version of insulin lispro, and Novolog is the brand-name version of insulin aspart. These drugs both help control blood glucose in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Humalog and Novolog are both rapid acting. That means they work more quickly than other types of insulin.

where does NovoLog insulin come from?insulin


Some Side Effects Can Be Serious If You Experience Any Of These Symptoms Call Your Doctor Immediately Or Get Emergency Treatment:

  • rash and/or itching over the whole body
  • shortness of breath
  • large weight gain in a short period of time
  • swelling of the arms, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs

Insulin aspart may cause other side effects. Call your doctor if you have any unusual problems while using this medication.

If you experience a serious side effect, you or your doctor may send a report to the Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online or by phone .

What Should I Know About Storage And Disposal Of This Medication

Keep this medication in the container it came in and out of reach of children. Store unopened insulin aspart vials, cartridges, and pens in the refrigerator, but do not freeze them. Unopened refrigerated insulin aspart can be stored until the date shown on the company’s label. If a refrigerator is unavailable , store the unopened vials, cartridges, or pens at room temperature and away from direct sunlight and extreme heat. Unrefrigerated unopened vials, cartridges, and pens of insulin aspart solution can be used within 28 days, but after that time they must be discarded. Unrefrigerated unopened vials of insulin aspart suspension can be used within 28 days and unrefrigerated, unopened pens can be used within 14 days after that time they must be discarded.

Opened vials of insulin aspart solution can be stored for 28 days at room temperature or in the refrigerator. If your doctor tells you to dilute your insulin aspart , the vial of diluted medication can be stored for up to 28 days in the refrigerator or at room temperature. Opened insulin aspart solution cartridges and pens may be stored at room temperature for up to 28 days do not refrigerate them. Opened pens containing NovoLog Mix 70/30 may be stored at room temperature for up to 14 days do not refrigerate them. Opened insulin aspart solution pens can be stored at room temperature or in the refrigerator for up to 28 days. Discard any insulin aspart product that has been exposed to extreme heat or cold.

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How Should I Use Novolog Flexpen

Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Use the medicine exactly as directed.

Your healthcare provider will show you where on your body to inject NovoLog FlexPen. Use a different place each time you give an injection. Do not inject into the same place two times in a row.

Do not inject NovoLog FlexPen into skin that is damaged, tender, bruised, pitted, thickened, scaly, or has a scar or hard lump.

After using you should eat a meal within 5 to 10 minutes. Fiasp should be given at the start of a meal or within 20 minutes after starting a meal.

Read and carefully follow any Instructions for Use provided with your medicine. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you do not understand these instructions.

Prepare an injection only when you are ready to give it. This medicine should be clear and colorless. Do not use the medicine if it has changed colors or has particles in it. Call your pharmacist for new medicine.

If you use an injection pen, use only the pen provided with your medicine. If you use this medicine with an insulin pump, do not mix or dilute NovoLog FlexPen with any other insulin. Change the medicine in the reservoir at least every 6 days.

Never share an injection pen, cartridge, or syringe with another person, even if the needle has been changed. Sharing these devices can allow infections or disease to pass from one person to another.

Storing unopened NovoLog FlexPen:

Storing opened NovoLog FlexPen:

How Novolog Is Administered

Types of Insulin and How They Work

NovoLog may be injected into the stomach area, thighs, buttocks, or triceps . This fast-acting insulin should be injected into a fatty area. Avoid injecting into veins or muscles since doing so could result in hypoglycemia. Always remember to rotate your injection sites to avoid damaging the tissue.

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Humalog Mix Forms And How Theyre Given

Humalog Mix is given as a subcutaneous injection.

Humalog Mix comes as a 50/50 mixture, containing 50% insulin lispro protamine and 50% insulin lispro. Its also comes as a 75/25 mixture, containing 75% insulin lispro protamine and 25% insulin lispro. Both are suspensions that come in these forms:

  • Vial for use with insulin syringes. This 10-mL vial is available in one strength: U-100.
  • Disposable, prefilled injection pen called Humalog Mix KwikPen. This 3-mL pen is available in one strength: U-100.

What Are The Main Differences Between Humalog And Novolog

Humalog is a rapid-acting insulin analog that was FDA-approved in 1996. Its identical to human insulin with a similar chemical structure. Humalog, also known by its generic name insulin lispro, is available as a solution for injection under the skin .

Humalog insulin comes in 10 mL and 3 mL multi-dose vials as well as 3 mL cartridges and pre-filled pens . All formulations of Humalog contain 100 units/mL of insulin except for Humalog KwikPen, which also comes in a 200 units/mL version.

is a rapid-acting insulin analog known by its generic name insulin aspart. Its chemically similar to regular human insulin except it has aspartic acid instead of a proline amino acid in part of its DNA structure. Novolog was FDA approved in 2000.

Like Humalog, Novolog is available as a 10 mL multi-dose vial for patients or providers to draw up with their own syringe. Novolog also comes in a 3 mL cartridge and pre-filled pens . These formulations contain 100 units/mL of insulin aspart.

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Who Shouldnt Take Humalog And Novolog

People at risk for low blood sugar or those who are sensitive to insulin or any of its preservatives or fillers are not recommended to use either Humalog or Novolog. Common signs of an allergic reaction are irritation, swelling, or rash at the injection site, but can include more serious symptoms such as shortness of breath or wheezing. If you think you may be allergic to either medication, tell your doctor immediately, and you may be switched to other diabetes treatment options, such as oral medications.

The Features Of Novolog Mix 70/30 Flexpen

Insulin Multiple Daily Injection Therapy for Type 1 Diabetics

Needles are sold separately and may require a prescription in some states.

Additional features of NovoLog® Mix 70/30 FlexPen®

  • Teachable, learnable, usable3
  • Discreetfits neatly in your patients purse or pocket

aNeedles are sold separately, will need a prescription, and need to be processed by a pharmacist.

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How Should This Medicine Be Used

Insulin aspart comes as a solution and a suspension to inject subcutaneously . Insulin aspart solution is usually injected 510 minutes before eating a meal. If you are using insulin aspart suspension to treat type 1 diabetes, it is usually injected within 15 minutes before a meal. If you are using insulin aspart suspension to treat type 2 diabetes, it is usually injected within 15 minutes before or after a meal. Insulin aspart solution is usually injected at the start of a meal or within 20 minutes after starting a meal. Your doctor will tell you how many times you should inject insulin aspart each day. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to explain any part you do not understand. Use insulin aspart exactly as directed. Do not use more or less of it or use it more often than prescribed by your doctor.

Insulin aspart solution may also be injected intravenously by a doctor or nurse in a healthcare setting. A doctor or nurse will carefully monitor you for side effects.

Never use insulin aspart when you have symptoms of hypoglycemia or if you have checked your blood sugar and found it to be low.

Insulin aspart comes in vials, cartridges that contain medication and are to be placed in dosing pens, and dosing pens that contain cartridges of medication. Be sure you know what type of container your insulin aspart comes in and what other supplies, such as needles, syringes, or pens, you will need to inject your medication.

Frequently Asked Questions About Novolog

How does NovoLog work in the body?

How do I inject NovoLog ?

Does Humalog work better than NovoLog ?

Overall, both NovoLog and Humalog are rapid-acting insulins, so they work similarly and are equally effective. For this reason, they also have similar drug interactions and side effects.

Must I prime my NovoLog pen before using it?

Yes, you will need to prime your pen. To do this, you will turn your dose adjustor until the display reads 2 units. You will tap the pen to ensure any air bubbles move to the top of the pen towards the needle. With the needle still pointing upwards, remove the needle cover and press and hold the push-button until the dose display reads 0 unit. You should see a small amount of insulin come out of the needle. This ensures that you are getting the proper dosage of insulin and that your needle is not blocked.

Can you take NovoLog without food?

Taking NovoLog without eating will put you at higher risk for low blood sugar , which can sometimes be life-threatening. Symptoms of low blood sugar include feeling shaky, being nervous or anxious, fast heartbeat, sweating or body chills, confusion, feeling sleepy, weakness or low energy, and excessive hunger. Ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist on how to monitor your blood sugar and what to do if you have a low blood sugar event.

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What Should I Avoid While Using Novolog

Insulin can cause low blood sugar. Avoid driving or operating machinery until you know how this medicine will affect you.

Avoid medication errors by always checking the medicine label before injecting your insulin.

Avoid drinking alcohol or using medicines that contain alcohol. Alcohol can cause low blood sugar and may interfere with your diabetes treatment.

Response From Eli Lilly

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We appreciate the opportunity to respond to Dr. Grajowers letter concerning in-use dating of insulin products manufactured by Eli Lilly. There are many issues affecting recommendations for storing insulin, and the labeling is controlled by global regulatory agencies, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Considering the large number of factors that go into these recommendations, it is not surprising that there may be confusion about insulin potency during use.

When unopened vials, cartridges, or prefilled insulin pens are stored at the recommended temperatures , insulin may be used until the expiration date printed on the insulin container or carton. At expiry, regulatory requirements state that the insulin product must retain at least 95% of its labeled potency.

However, once an insulin product is in use, the recommended durations of in-use differ depending on the particular formulation of insulin , its primary container , the ambient storage conditions , and regulatory requirements.

Patients should not use insulins that have changed in appearance due to heat exposure or freezing. Freezing will cause modified insulins to resuspend improperly after thawing, reducing the accuracy of dosing.

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Talk To Your Health Care Provider About Novolog

Here are some questions to ask your health care provider when you discuss NovoLog®.

What is my blood sugar now, and what A1C should I be aiming for?

Is there another mealtime insulin that could help me reach my A1C goal?

How will my meals and my activity level affect my mealtime insulin dose?

I keep forgetting to take my insulin at mealtimes. Is there anything I can do to help myself remember?

Side Effects And Risks

Humalog and NovoLog are both forms of insulin. Therefore, these medications can cause very similar side effects. Below are examples of these side effects.

Mild side effects

Examples of the most common mild side effects that can occur with both Humalog and NovoLog include:

  • injection site reactions, such as pain, redness, itchiness, or swelling around the area of your injection
  • lipodystrophy
  • rash
  • swelling of your feet or ankles
  • weight gain

Serious side effects

Examples of serious side effects that can occur with both Humalog and NovoLog include:

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What Kind Of Insulin Is Novolog Flexpen

. Also asked, what type of insulin is NovoLog?

Humalog is the brand-name version of insulin lispro, and Novolog is the brand-name version of insulin aspart. These drugs both help control blood glucose in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Humalog and Novolog are both rapid acting. That means they work more quickly than other types of insulin.

Also, how do you take NovoLog insulin? ® Mix 70/30 is typically taken twice a day and may help meet your needs at mealtime and for up to 24 hours. In people with type 2 diabetes, ® Mix 70/30 can be taken within 15 minutes before or after starting a meal .

Also Know, how many units of insulin are in a NovoLog pen?

3 DOSAGE FORMS AND STRENGTHS ® is available in the following package sizes: each presentation contains 100 units of insulin aspart per mL .

What is the difference between Humalog and NovoLog insulin?

Humalog and NovoLog have several differences. Humalog is insulin lispro, whereas is insulin aspart. By contrast, doctors tend to prescribe to people 2 years and older with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Both medications start to work within about 15 minutes, but tends to be slightly faster.

What Are The Side Effects Of Novolog


With any medication, there are risks and benefits. Even if the medication is working, you may experience some unwanted side effects.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following:

  • Dangerously low blood sugar
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Dangerously low levels of potassium

The following side effects may get better over time as your body gets used to the medication. Let your doctor know immediately if you continue to experience these symptoms or if they worsen over time.

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Pharmacist Tips For Novolog

Inject NovoLog within 5-10 minutes before a meal. Do not use NovoLog on an empty stomach, because this can increase your risk for severely low blood sugar.

Check your blood sugar levels regularly to ensure that this medication is working correctly.

Inject NovoLog under the skin of your stomach area, buttocks, upper legs or upper arms, or by continuous infusion under the skin through an insulin pump in a region recommended in the instructions from the pump. Rotate injection sites to prevent hard lumps from forming. Ask your pharmacist about proper injection technique.

Don’t shake the vial. Unopened vials, pens, and penfill cartridges can be stored in the refrigerator until the expiration date. Vials that are in use can be stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature for 28 days. Opened pens or penfill cartridges that you are currently using should not be stored in the refrigerator and should be kept at room temperature for a maximum of 28 days.

Always use a new needle for each injection to help prevent infections and blocked needles. Do not reuse or share your needles with other people.

The following are some common symptoms of low blood sugar: feeling shaky, being nervous or anxious, fast heartbeat, sweating or body chills, confusion, feeling sleepy, weakness or low energy, and excessive hunger. Teach yourself and your family members on how to recognize and treat the symptoms of low blood sugar. Always have a good source of sugar nearby for low blood sugar episodes.

Humalog For Type 2 Diabetes

Humalog is also FDA-approved to help control blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes. In addition, a second type of Humalog called Humalog Mix is approved for this same use.

Type 2 diabetes explained

Type 2 diabetes is a condition in which the cells in your body become resistant to the effects of a hormone called insulin.

Insulin helps your body to process glucose . If your cells become resistant to insulin, they dont process sugar as well as they should. Insulin resistance can cause your blood sugar level to rise too high.

Over time, your pancreas may also stop making enough insulin. At this point, youll likely need treatment with insulin to help manage your blood sugar levels.

Humalog and Humalog Mix explained

Humalog contains insulin lispro, which is a rapid-acting insulin analog. This form of insulin works very quickly. You take it at mealtimes to help manage the surge in blood sugar that can occur after eating.

Humalog Mix contains a premixed combination of insulin lispro and a longer-acting insulin called insulin lispro protamine. Humalog Mix works very quickly, but it lasts longer than Humalog. Humalog Mix helps control mealtime surges in blood sugar and then helps manage blood sugar between meals or at night.

Each dose of Humalog Mix is intended to cover two meals or one meal and a snack.

Effectiveness for type 2 diabetes

A clinical study found Humalog to be similarly effective to insulin human for managing blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.

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How Long Does Humalog Last

The general length of time Humalog lasts is about 4 hours, and Humalog Mix lasts for about 22 hours. Humalog and Humalog Mix are the two types of Humalog.

How long Humalog and Humalog Mix last can vary between people. And the times can also change for the same person. This could depend on your dose, the area of your body where you had the injection, and how physically active youve been.

If you have questions about how long Humalog may last for you, talk with your doctor.


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