Is Filtered Milk Better For You
Youve probably heard of ultra-filtered milk by now. It sounds bogusuntil you hear that it has more protein and less sugar than regular milk. So should you switch over? Thats what Mens Health nutrition advisor Mike Roussell, Ph.D., is advising his clients to do. Heres the background: Ultra-filtered milk has become more widely available this year with the release of a new brand, fairlife, which is under the Coca-Cola umbrella and uses a grammatically-frustrating all lower-caps brand name. There are also other brands available, like Hood Simply Smart. Fairlife says they make the supermilk by running regular milk through a series of filters. The molecules of water, protein, fat, minerals, and lactose that make up milk are each a different size, so each filter removes one of those components until they are all separated. Then the company recombines the individual nutrients in a new ratio, resulting in a milk with more protein and calcium, less sugar, and no lactose. It takes milk and makes it better, says Roussell, who has no affiliation with any filtered milk companies. The nutritional breakdown for one cup of fairlife’s 2% ultra-filtered milk: 13 grams of protein , 6 grams of sugar , and 370 milligrams of calcium . The company also makes skim, whole, and chocolate versions of the re-engineered dairy. It may seem like a small differenceyoure getting 5 more grams of protein and 6 fewer grams of sugarbut its a step in the right directiContinue reading > >
Soy Milk Nutrition Facts
Soy milk can be a nutritious alternative to dairy milk. Even though its not naturally high in calcium, Vitamin D or B-vitamins, many commercial soy milks are fortified with these nutrients so you wont miss out on them.
Here are the micro-nutrients youll find in 1 cup of fortified plain soy milk:
- 451 mg of calcium
- 120 IU of vitamin D
- 0.56 micrograms of B12
Take a look at how it compares to a cup of whole fat milk.
Soy milk has plenty of competition from other non-dairy milks, but soy milk stands out above the rest because it naturally contains more protein compared to options such as almond, coconut, cashew and flax seed milks.
An 8 oz glass of soy milk can have up to 8 g of protein compared to the same 8 oz glass of dairy milk. Other plant-based milks usually contain amounts of 0-2 g protein.
Of course, youre probably wondering how soy milk fairs against other milks with carbohydrates as carbs have the greatest impact on blood sugar.
As you can see, yes other milk options are lower in carbohydrates but not all soy milk is the same.
The chart shows that Silk offers an unsweetened option that contains only 3 g of net carbs per cup with zero added sugars, which is a lot better than the vanilla flavored option with its 11 g of carbs.
Unsweetened and unflavored milk alternatives tend to contain fewer grams of carbs and sugar, so go for these when theyre available.
One serving of soy milk contains 25 mg isoflavones.
Possible Disadvantages Of Drinking Almond Milk In Diabetes
The following are some of the risks associated with drinking almond milk if you are a diabetic:
- If you are drinking the unsweetened version of almond milk, the amount of protein when compared to cow milk and soy milk is relatively less. This type of milk contains only a mere 1 gram of protein as against 7 to 8 grams of protein in milk and soy milk.
- It is also believed that the unsweetened almond milk has to be combined with food items containing carbs and proteins. The reason being that the unsweetened almond milk comprises of very fewer carbohydrates and proteins. The effect of this is that you do not feel satiated if you drink the milk alone without combining the same with any other food source.
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Is Liquid Creamer Better Than Powder Creamer
Clearly liquid non-diary creamer is better than powdered non-dairy creamer for diabetic individuals.
From the nutritional factors listed above, although non-diary liquid creamer contains small amounts of added sugars in the form of corn syrup, trans-fat found in non-diary powdered creamer comes with increased risk of heart disease or stroke for type 2 diabetes.
Powdered creamer can, of course, be stored in a cool, dry place, whereas liquid creamer must be refrigerated.
While this applies to the non-dairy version, powdered creamer is said to give a creamier coffee than liquid creamer. Because it is more concentrated, 1 tb of powdered creamer is approximately equal to 2 tbs liquid creamer. It contains more calories as well.
Is Milk Good For Diabetics
As a child, basically, you had to drink milk. In fact on the first 6 months of being nursed milk was the only thing you took. Then there were a variety of options on milk to drink from, whether your parents chose to give you whole milk or sweetened almond milk the benefits in both cannot be ignored. Now that you are a grown up, the only thing that has changed is the fact that you will make the choice yourself.
As a diabetic, you should be aware that you have to ensure that you monitor your intake of carbs, carbohydrates, and sugars. And, it is for this reason that you shouldnt drink just any milk. Even with the essential nutrients such as proteins and calcium before taking any milk you should ensure that you drink milk that has low fat and sugar.
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It Could Also Leave You Feeling Fuller For Longer
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Drinking milk in the morning may reduce blood glucose levels throughout the day, which could benefit those with type 2 diabetes, new research has found.
According to a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, consuming a high-protein milk-based drink at breakfast may also cut the risk of obesity by reducing appetite at lunchtime.
Lead author Dr Douglas Goff, of the University of Guelph in Canada, said that the findings could be key in addressing the global rise in metabolic diseases through diet.
Milk As A Preventative For Type 2 Diabetes
Theres a reason your parents tried to get you to drink more milk when you were a kid. It has some seriously health benefits its a rich source of calcium, vitamin-D, potassium, and may even help prevent type 2 diabetes.
Research suggests a strong connection between consuming low-fat dairy and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes.
A large-scale study even found that middle-aged individuals who consumed milk daily reduced their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a whopping 12 percent, compared to non-drinkers. Risk of diabetes decreased as the number of servings per day increased.
Current research on milk alternatives and their effect on type 2 diabetes risk is not available.
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Let Us Have A Brief Look On The Mechanism Of Gestational Diabetes :
Diabetes is the condition where there is high blood sugar levels in the body. Here the body either fails to produce enough insulin or fails to use the available Insulin thoroughly and efficiently for the normal functioning of the body. Insulin plays an effective role as it helps to absorb the glucose present in the bloodstream by the cells to produce energy for the proper functioning of the body. As in diabetes due to improper functioning of insulin the glucose gets accumulated in the body leading to risk factors .
Diabetes that is diagnosed during pregnancy is termed as gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed by a glucose tolerance test. If gestational diabetes is untreated it could lead to many complications to the infant and to the maternal body.
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes is usually done in the later pregnancy .i.e. between the 24th week and 28th week of gestation. This is because the placenta starts producing more and more hormones that interfere with the mothers insulin, that is making the maternal body insulin resistant.
Various factors raise the risk of a pregnant woman of developing gestational diabetes such as:
Accumulation of blood glucose in the body or untreated gestational diabetes can lead to :
- Excessive birth weight of the baby,
- The mother having low blood pressure after birth,
- Baby having Jaundice after birth. Thus, it becomes important to pay extra attention to women with gestational diabetes.
Type Of Milk To Avoid
The following are the types of milk that you should avoid as a diabetic
- TruMoos Chocolate 1% Low-Fat Milk-the milk has 18 grams of sugar, 2.5 grams of fat and 20 grams of carbohydrates
- Nesquiks Strawberry 1% low-fat milk- has 2.5 grams of total fat, 220 grams of sugar and 24 grams of carbohydrates.
- Silks Vanilla Coconutmilk has 12 grams of carbs and 5 grams of total fat
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How Useful Is A Meal Plan
Studies have indicated that meal plans are particularly important in ensuring that you monitor your blood sugar levels. as diabetic, the prime goal if you want to lead a healthy life is ensuring that you pay attention to the sugar content in the meals you take and a meal plan will help you on this. Examples of meal plans:
- Carb counting which basically involves setting a standard on the number of carbs you can eat in a day
- Glycemic index- this is a tool used to monitor the sugar content in certain food substances. As a meal plan choose meals with a low glycemic index.
- Plate method- a method used to control the amount of starch intake and increase your protein intake.
Of the three methods, no matter the method you use it is important to ensure that you carbohydrates count per meal ranges between 45 to 60 grams. Make milk as part of this carbohydrate count.
The milk container contains the information on the amount of:
- Vitamins
- Fats
- Cholesterol
Diabetic people are required to take the least sugar per serving and it is for this reason that they should ensure that they stay away from sweetened milk under all cost.
As a diabetic, you should also avoid taking a mile with saturated trans fat. The monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat is however essential to the body if taken in moderation. For instance: monounsaturated fat plays an important role in reducing bad cholesterol while the polyunsaturated fat is good for the heart.
Health Benefits Of Drinking Milk
Milk is a common healthy item that is included in everyones diet. From children to adults and aged, everyone can gain the benefits of drinking milk.
We have seen what the effects of milk on ones blood sugars are. We also touched on the nutritional components of milk.
Now let us find out what are its various health benefits:
Blood pressure
Milk, as well as dairy products, are said to be recommended to maintain normal blood pressure.
Maintaining a healthy blood pressure range can assist in keeping away many diseases and heart risks as well.
Bone health
Calcium is a very necessary element for the growth and strengthening of bones. Milk is a very rich source of calcium and, therefore, leads to better bone health.
Improves overall health
Milk is said to be an amazing component that can enrich the body with many nutrients. It helps fight diseases, carry out the growth of cells, protect against infections, and add to muscle strength.
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What To Look For In A Coffee Creamer Label When Choosing A Creamer For Diabetes
It is important to check labels for nutritional facts when purchasing a coffee creamer. There are some ingredients to watch out for in those labels.
Added sugar
Added sugar is present in creamers to add sweetness to it, even in some unsweetened creamers there are traces of added sugar present.
Corn syrup is an example of such sugar, if you find it as an ingredient in your coffee creamer label then take note of the quantity of creamer you add to your cup of coffee. Large quantity may cause blood sugar spikes. Although some people are on a strict no-sugar diet and as such shouldnt consume it.
Carbohydrates contribute to the amount of sugar in a creamer. Note the amount per serving and your daily sugar intake. Checking your blood glucose levels after a meal helps you monitor your sugar intake as well.
Trans-fat is a big NO for diabetes.
They may come in traces, but regular consumption doesnt help it just increases the risk of heart disease and stroke for a type 2 diabetic.
You will see it as partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients section, so take note.
Sodium caseinate is a milk derivative, used as a dairy substitute but still contains lactose. For individuals with a milk allergy or vegan, check for Casein in the product label.
Saturated fat
Saturated fat consumed in high quantity doesnt help a diabetic same as trans-fat, so monitor your daily intake and take necessary precaution.
High fructose
Almond Milk Diabetes And Other Considerations
If you are pondering switching to almond milk for drinking or use in cooking or baking to help you manage your diabetes, there certainly are some considerations to keep in mind. Here are some tips:
- Unsweetened almond milk is your best bet when it comes to calories and carbs. However, dont use unsweetened almond milk to treat low blood sugar. Stick with sources of fast-acting carbs, like glucose tablets or juice.
- Keep in mind that almond milk, in general, is low in protein, so unless you choose a protein-fortified brand, make sure youre getting adequate protein from other sources. Always read the Nutrition Facts Label for any brand of almond milk.
- Choose an almond milk that has been fortified with calcium, vitamin D and vitamin A.
- For more of a nutrition boost, go for a handful of almonds rather than a glass of almond milk: Almonds have more protein, fiber and certain vitamins and minerals.
- Talk with your doctor or dietitian about carrageenan if you have digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome or Crohns disease. If you are worried about carrageenan or feel that it is contributing to symptoms, steer clear of almond milk brands that contain this ingredient.
- Freezing almond milk may change its taste, color and texture and some almond milk manufacturers will discourage you from doing so. If you do freeze it, stir or shake the almond milk before using it.
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How Should You Think About Dairy In Your Diet
Until we have a better understanding of the short- and long-term effects of dairy on individuals, theres no easy research-driven answer for whether or not to include dairy in your diet. Ultimately, we need better personal biomarker testinglike, say, an at-home insulin testto make more informed decisions.
Although most dairy products trigger an increased insulin response, the effect on insulin sensitivity and glucose levels seems to vary according to the foods protein and fat composition. Here is some guidance for different types of dairy:
Diabetes Meal Planning Tips
Some popular methods to discuss with your doctor or registered dietitian/nutritionist include:
- Carb counting: Under this plan, youll keep close track of how many carbs you consume with each meal or snack, and the total for the day. Work with your healthcare team to determine how many carbs you need daily. One glass of fat-free or low-fat cows milk has around 12 grams of carbs, whereas unsweetened soy milk has just 4 grams per serving. Remember to check the nutrition label for calcium, vitamin-D, vitamin-A, potassium and other vitamins and minerals before making a choice.
- Plate method: The plate method involves filling each plate you eat with 25 percent protein, 25 percent grains or starchy foods, and 50 percent non-starchy vegetables. This can be effective for keeping your blood glucose levels in check. Factor in beverages like milk too, which can count as both a protein and carb source.
- Glycemic index/glycemic load: Foods with a high glycemic index or high glycemic load raise blood glucose levels quickly. A glass of low-fat cows milk has a glycemic index of 37 and a glycemic load of 4. Food and drinks under 55 are considered low on the glycemic index scale.
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Why The Disparate Findings
One factor appears to be the health state of the study participants. For example, a 2014 review of 10 short- and long-term intervention studies concluded:
For normal-weight volunteers, higher dairy consumption does not affect glucose metabolism, and in those overweight and obese who would be insulin resistant, the results have been mixed, indicating that the effect of dairy is of less importance than weight loss or exercise to slow or remove the likelihood of developing .
The same review also suggested that the conflicting results may arise because many factors influence insulin sensitivity, and those factors can interact with one another. In other words, changing one factor could affect many other factors .
Study design may also be a factor. Some of the positive research findings come from cross-sectional examinations of large populations, rather than following the same individuals over time to see how dietary factors influence their long-term health.